M O O N C L O U D S ‘ 2 2

Vessels inspired by Joseon Dynasty in Korea (1392-1897)

The iconic Dalhangari (moonjar) represents evolution, acceptance and letting go of the duality — it’s neither perfect or imperfect. It is complete as it is. Moon Clouds vessels are homage to such philosophy — She tries not to be attached to an idealized form but rather focus on reinterpreting the spirit with subtlety and respect. The act of making that is repetitive, quiet and slow is the embodiment of “emptying the mind” so that the artist and the viewer can perceive with clarity. She sees the final form as a meditative space where one is invited to pause and contemplate.

© 2 0 2 3 -3 0  A L L  R I G H T S  R E S E R V E D